How to record video on the USB2.0 port of your SMTAV camera?

SMTAV SDI camera and NDI camera with USB2.0 Host port, insert a USB flash memory with a capacity of less than 128G in FAT32 format in this USB2.0 Host port, you can make your SMTAV camera have the function of recording video.

After inserting a USB flash memory into the USB2.0 Host port, after starting the camera, it will automatically start recording. By default, a file is saved to the flash memory every 15 minutes. If the camera is already powered on, you need to restart the camera after inserting the USB flash drive.

Note: Because of the camera's chip and operating system, it can only mount a USB flash memory with a capacity of less than 128G in FAT32 format. If this condition is not met, the USB flash memory will be unsuccessfully mounted and video cannot be recorded.


If your computer is a Windows operating system, you can download the Win Record Tool v1.0 tool software from page, configure and download the recording file.

Note:This tool only supports Windows systems

The detailed operation is as follows:
After unzipping the file, open the SMTAV SDK Tool.exe executable file

After the program runs, fill in the IP address of the camera in the Host text box, fill in the user name and password of the camera, the default is admin, and then click the "Connet" button, a successful dialog box will pop up after the connection is successful.

Click the "Record" button, and the "Record Option" dialog box will pop up. In the USB Group Box, you can set the prefix of the stored video, the time interval for saving the video file, the recording mode (record audio and video, only record video), and start record. and stop record.

Before recording a video, check the status of the USB flash drive. In the area shown below, click "Query UDISK" to check the total capacity and available capacity of the USB flash drive. If the USB flash drive is not mounted, click the "Mount UDISK" button to mount the USB flash drive. If the mount is unsuccessful, please check whether your USB flash drive is in FAT32 format with a capacity of less than 128G.

The Local area is to save the record video to your computer. Fill in the complete path and file for FileName, for example: E:\Records\SMTAVCamera1\SMT220601001

Download record video files to your computer
Select the start time and end time, then click "Refresh" to list the saved video files, select the file to be downloaded in the file list, and then click the "Download" button to save the file to the specified location.

1 comment

  • Has anyone been able to successfully record to the USB port? I’ve followed the instructions, repeatedly, and have failed. Are there any Youtube videos instructing on this?


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